Tales of Wind and Saddle

Supporting The Printing Goes Ever On on Patreon will grant you:

⚜️ Ride across to the open fields with the Wargaming Tier release. Less than half of what you'd hoped for? Not this time! You're getting a huge number of on foot and mounted characters and troops to build your army of Riddermercia!


  • Eredhelm - On Foot and Mounted
  • Eowar the Bold - On Foot and Mounted
  • Thalred - On Foot and Mounted
  • Hrod Hammerfist - On Foot and Mounted
  • Hedda - On Foot and Mounted
  • Harin - On Foot and Mounted
  • Harwin - On Foot and Mounted
  • 3x Archer - On Foot
  • 5x Archer - Mounted
  • 4x Warriors - On Foot
  • 4x Riders - On Foot
  • 8x Riders - Mounted (shield and no shield variants)
  • 3x Horse - Light Tack
  • 3x Horse - Medium Tack
  • 3x Horse - Heavy Tack


  • Riddermercia House A
  • Riddermercia House B
  • Riddermercia Windmill

⚜️ THE WELCOME TROVE - EXPANDED - 33 miniatures in travel and combat poses

You can also enjoy the 45% discount for our previous releases in our store: https://www.theprintinggoeseveron.com/shop/

All miniature models come pre-supported and as clean STL files.

Join our Patreon and let the journey begin!

The only tabletop patreon with a 3D customizer

the modular 3D printable miniatures customizer

Become a Patron and get UNLIMITED access to the customizer FOREVER 45% OFF!

Become a Patron and get UNLIMITED access to the customizer FOREVER 45% OFF!

Configure your skirmish warband, wargaming regiment or NPC group in a matter of minutes! Export all your configurations as pre-supported bits or merged minis. This includes proper mirroring of elements and a screenshot for easier file management.

Unlock all the Customizer Bundles forever with our Permanent File Access system and enjoy the interactive customizer regardless of your subscription state!
Try it out for Free

New RPG Tier

The new RPG-themed tier, tailored towards needs of D&D 5e (and other tabletop roleplay games) players contains a set of monsters, characters and terrain, with a wide range of PDF content to accompany them.

The PDF content is designed to be Plug&Play, so you don't need to use a bloated adventure module and have your whole session/campaign spin around it.

Learn More

monthly miniatures bundles

The Printing Goes Ever On creates models from a medieval, fantasy world full of buildings, elves, human warriors, halflings, orcs, and terrifying creatures. We strive to make our miniatures look modest and elegant, not overly exaggerated. Each monthly pack contains brand new, pre-supported, printable miniatures ready for print & play on your tabletop!

Professionally Pre-Supported

With pre supports included you may just download an STL file, turn your 3d printer on, and print. Simple!
See them in action!

D&D 5e Compatible Statblocks

Each character and creature comes equipped with a custom-designed statsheet. Bring them out to your next game without any fuss!

Tactical Battlemaps

Beautifully designed, high resolution maps that accompany the chapters' miniatures will help make the adventures more immersive! They come in day & night variants, with and without a standard square inch grid applied.

The Nine Companions - The Printing Goes Ever On Welcome Trove

Subscribe to our 3D printable miniatures Patreon and collect unique, high quality fantasy models, battlemaps and statblocks.

Don't have a 3D printer? Visit one of these licensed merchants of The Printing Goes Ever On Patreon!

Browse all Licensed Merchants

Want to know more about our 3D printable miniatures Patreon? Browse the blog:

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