The chief of the village was a short, stocky man. His dark, braided hair was held back by some kind of crown, crafted from what was clearly some animal’s teeth so that his face was fully visible. And at the moment it was not a happy face at all. His less-than-friendly appearance was not improved by the fur covering his shoulders nor by the wooden vambraces. To be perfectly honest the weapon he was carrying did not help either. Carved from a thick branch and crafted with a huge stone it looked halfway between the ax and a bludgeon while not being, technically, either, it looked quite intimidating indeed.
It takes a strong hand and iron will to lead one’s people. Will the Woodwose chief lead his tribe into the age of peace and prosperity? Or will his time be remembered by battles and victories?
Whatever path will you decide on, you can illustrate it with this beautifully crafted, detailed, and realistic miniature.
For easier printing, our designers made sure that the model is professionally pre-supported and for incorporating him into your campaign as seamlessly as possible our creators prepared a 5th edition DnD compatible statblock!
Product contains:
The chief of the village was a short, stocky man. His dark, braided hair was held back by some kind of crown, crafted from what was clearly some animal’s teeth so that his face was fully visible. And at the moment it was not a happy face at all. His less-than-friendly appearance was not improved by the fur covering his shoulders nor by the wooden vambraces. To be perfectly honest the weapon he was carrying did not help either. Carved from a thick branch and crafted with a huge stone it looked halfway between the ax and a bludgeon while not being, technically, either, it looked quite intimidating indeed.
It takes a strong hand and iron will to lead one’s people. Will the Woodwose chief lead his tribe into the age of peace and prosperity? Or will his time be remembered by battles and victories?
Whatever path will you decide on, you can illustrate it with this beautifully crafted, detailed, and realistic miniature.
For easier printing, our designers made sure that the model is professionally pre-supported and for incorporating him into your campaign as seamlessly as possible our creators prepared a 5th edition DnD compatible statblock!
Product contains: