The Ivory City is a huge, highly-detailed 3d printable terrain set in a 28/32mm scale. Our modular design and useful enhancements, including building interiors and ruined versions, allow for endless customization options.
Product contains the following 3d printable STL models:
Models print without the need for supports.
Default printer type: FDM (filament).
View the original FronTiers crowdfunding campaign here:
The Ivory City is a huge, highly-detailed 3d printable terrain set in a 28/32mm scale. Our modular design and useful enhancements, including building interiors and ruined versions, allow for endless customization options.
Product contains the following 3d printable STL models:
Models print without the need for supports.
Default printer type: FDM (filament).
View the original FronTiers crowdfunding campaign here: