
February Painting Contest Rules – Terrain Edition

February 16, 2022

This month we got wind that many of you are willing to take part in a painting contest dedicated solely to terrains, so here it goes! Feel free to join the first terrain edition of the painting contest on TPGEO! The contest starts now and lasts until the 28th of February. This time as well, apart from a free Patreon subscription and a voucher to our digital shop, we have an additional PICK3D Tokens to offer. What are the rules for participation, how to join the contest, and what are the prizes about? Let’s get to it!


1. Choose a terrain (any non-terrain minis excluded!) of the whole The Printing Goes Ever On collection and paint it! It can be a part of a larger whole or a complete piece. If you’re not our subscriber yet, all models are available at the following link: https://www.theprintinggoeseveron.com/shop/

Remember that if you’re subscribed to our Patreon, there’s a 40% discount awaiting you on all the products from our digital shop!

2. Share its pic under THIS post or on Instagram tagged as #tpgeofebruarycomp

3. Wait for the results announcement.

4. If you’re one of the winners, message us at tpgeomarketing@gmail.com or through our Social Media to settle the prize that equals the value of the winning coupon!


1st Place: 100$ PICK3D Token + 20$ voucher for our Digital Store + Free March Patreon Subscription*

2nd Place: 50$ PICK3D Token + 20$ voucher for our Digital Store + Free March Patreon Subscription*

3rd Place: 20$ voucher for our Digital Store + Free March Patreon Subscription*

PICK3D Token – what is it and how to claim it

The main rule with the Tokens is that as a winner you don’t simply get a predetermined prize – you choose it yourself! The PICK3D Token can be spent on whatever you’d like that’s connected to 3D printing (there are some technical restrictions – you’ll read more about those further on). Forget about prizes you don’t really need, about filament while you need resin, or the STL models you don’t like. This time THE CHOICE IS YOURS!

You can redeem the PICK3D Token in any 3D printing-related, REGISTERED store that allows us to place an order for you. For instance, we can’t order models from websites where files can be delivered only directly to your account. The winners need to write to tpgeomarketing@gmail.com e-mail or contact us through our Social Media to agree on the PICK3D token prize that is connected to the 3D printing field.

The prize value should be equal to the voucher’s (with shipping cost included!). It won’t be possible to get the voucher’s value in cash. The winner shall message us and agree on the prize within 30 days from the date of the settlement of the contest. Otherwise, the prize will lapse.

Facebook/Instagram contest terms:

1. The February Contest is open to everyone above 18 years old.

2. By submitting your entry, you fully agree to the terms of the contest.

3. Entries will be accepted from the post publication time until February 28th 11:59 PM (GMT). The most recent comment edit will be chosen at that time, if any occur.

4. You submit a contest entry by publishing a comment under the contest post or through IG tagged as #tpgeofebruarycomp

5. You may submit only one contest entry of only one 3D model printed at a size of the original STL dimensions.

6. The winning entry will be decided by a jury, consisting of TPGEO creators (including a pro miniature painter!).

7. The prize for all the best three entries will be a full refund of their March Patreon subscription to The Printing Goes Ever On Patreon for one month ($8.00 + VAT). Additionally, the winners will get a $100 PICK3D Token token for 1st place, a $50 PICK3D Token token for 2nd place, and one $20 voucher to our digital shop for the 2nd and 3rd place. The winners need to write to tpgeomarketing@gmail.com e-mail or contact us through our Social Media to agree on the PICK3D token prize that is connected to the 3D printing field. The prize value should be equal to the voucher’s (with shipping cost included!). It won’t be possible to get the voucher’s value in cash.

8. The winner shall message us and agree on the prize within 30 days from the date of the settlement of the contest. Otherwise, the prize will lapse.

9. Winner will be notified in a contest’s settlement post and/or in the TPGEO blog’s post.

10. By submitting an entry, you give us the right to use your model pics afterward.

11. By entering this contest, you agree to a complete release of Facebook from any or all liability in connection with this contest.

12. The contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook


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