3rd Birthday of The Printing Goes Ever On!

August 18, 2023

Time flies fast! It’s been 3 years since our first Chapter was released!

That’s why it’s time to celebrate! The Birthday is ours, but you will get all the gifts – it’s a big THANK YOU from us because it wouldn’t be possible without you!

See what we prepared to celebrate our Birthday!

We prepared a Birthday Offer for our Patrons and Tribes. If you are not our Patron yet, it is very easy to do. The subscription costs only 10$. To find out more click the button below.

And now let’s explore the goodies!

Modular Miniature Customizer

In August all Patrons and Tribes can download customizable, pre-supported STL models without additional cost! You can download 3 models from every fraction, so 21 models in total!

How to do so? Download “Unlock Free Customizer Exports.zip” from Chapter 37 Downloads and follow the instructions there. Then, just open our Customizer web app. If you don’t own a bundle, you will see the available free downloads. 

Note: mini or pre-supported bits export counts as 1 export, so choose wisely!

If you don’t know how to use our Modular Miniature Customizer you can read our article that deepens the topic. 

Chapter 37 & Welcome Trove Bundles

By becoming our Patron in August you will instantly get Chapter 37: Sands of the East Vol. 2 Bundle and Welcome Trove Bundle! Together with customizable models it results in incredible 80+ STL Models.

Chapter 36 Discount

If you missed Chapter 36, it’s available for about $12 (vs the retail $65) only in August. This way you can easily complete the Easterners collection and start your desert adventure! 

Props & Beyond Gift

Props&Beyond celebrates our birthday too by giving us a special present! All our supporters receive the Mirroring Dagger prop (it is added automatically to your library).

60% OFF Discount

You can use this discount on everything in our Shop, including Modular Miniature Customizer bundles.

The Mighty Dragon long-stay gift

Now you can get this long-stay gift if you are subscribing us for 9 months instead of 12 months!

You are not our Patron yet? Don’t worry, the offer is valid through the whole month of August! Just go to our Patronite and get all of these amazing goodies for just 10$. 

As we blow out the candles, we’re very excited about what the future holds for The Printing Goes Ever On! Thank you once again for all of the support. We couldn’t dream of a better community. Cheers!

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